In view of the fact that Medicare has now completely moved to the Resourced Based Relative Value System or better known as RBRVS as the reimbursement methodology for professional services, i.e. professional fees for physicians in all specialities outside of anesthesia, we continue to see the commercial third party payer system migrate to their version of an RBRVS based reimbursement methodology for the reimbursement of the professional services of surgeons and other physician specialities. No matter what the surgical specialty, the RBRVS reimbursement methodology is now the common basis. Made up of multiple elements expressed in relative values, the practice, work, and malpractice indexes, coupled with the geographical indices are now available for every procedure outlined in CPT-4. Essentially these elements are elements of measurement and benchmarking across regions and the nation as a whole, so it only makes absolute sense that the charge basis and practice management philosophy be rooted in this same methodology, the RBRVS methodology. Only when the physician's practice is taken to this level will it be such that we are able to actively, accurately, and effectively negotiate with third party payers and properly evaluate the various elements that make up this reimbursement methodology.
Many years ago, BCS introduced the concept of developing the usual and customary fee schedules of a physician's practice based upon the RBRVS and charge history from geographical locations. This is one of the ways we level the playing field with the third-party payer system. BCS has the experience and understanding of today's complex reimbursement methodologies and brings that to the physician practice as a foundation for the practice. BCS's experience will also make the conversion process from your current practice management system to BCS's system smooth and far more simple than you might realize. BCS can begin processing your professional services in a matter of hours, not days or weeks. Read through the BCS Practice Management Services Outline to gain a detailed understanding of the customized comprehensive services that BCS has to offer your practice.