BCS is the true solution, an outsource alternative with a fixed cost coupled with a proven track record of measureable results. With 35+ years of healthcare experience coupled with more than 90 years of combined top management healthcare experience behind us, BCS knows exactly what steps to take next to advance your practice’s performance most effectively. Key factors in primary focus at BCS are full utilization of available technologies both today’s and tomorrow’s which play a key role to reaching practice efficiencies as well as harnessing the strength of our proprietary Information System. Today you need to know accurately, and in an instant, where your practice stands at any given period of time. BCS professionals routinely interact with you and your colleagues, the payers with your practice, your patient community, and when necessary your facility personnel with the overarching goal of patient safety, satisfaction, quality measurement and of course achieving maximization of available reimbursement. Once again, BCS is the true solution, an outsource alternative, with a fixed cost coupled with a proven track record of measureable results.
Anesthesia Practice Consulting is a significant part of the day-to-day operations at BCS. Whether you are a Practice Management client or a client with specific consulting and analytical requirements, BCS will address all possible solutions and present findings and options that meet with your expectations. BCS conducts comprehensive anesthesia department financial impact studies that look deeply into the area of reimbursement maximization, HIPAA compliance issues, coding, and charge platforms and development as well as overall reimbursement and comparisons to industry standards. On the average an anesthesia department post coding and billing audit will identify an error ratio ranging between 10-25% in the areas of coding and often times equally or more as much in the areas of charge compliance, and reimbursement maximization. BCS’s unique method of post process/payment auditing by our accredited and credentialed Health Information Management (HIM) experts is conducted electronically nearly 100% of the time, in the background, without disturbing your staff’s day to day operations. A series of comprehensive data analysis is generated via the BCS MedProvider Auditor system, drilling down to specific providers at specific locations, or specific documentation requirements or demands. BCS Consulting Services often pay for themselves within in the first few findings and recommendations presented. Contact BCS President, Lee S. Broadston today at Lee@BCSConsult.com to learn more about our Practice Consulting and Auditing Services.
Accessing, extracting, manipulating, and analyzing healthcare practice data is a key element to your practice's success. Health information need not be shuffled from one desk to another or from one charge ticket/charge document to another, but rather be electronically extracted and manipulated under the guidance of the experts at BCS. Moving through necessary healthcare data in a timely, efficient, and accurate manner is a basic element to working within the large amounts of data in today's healthcare practices. Analyzing and reporting on this practice data is equally as important when management decisions need to be made. Working with BCS and our exclusive IS systems allows us to develop and customize any format of reporting you may desire. We utilize today's technologies to assist in patients making payments via the web, ordering and updating their account statements in the same way. We utilize every available aspect of communication technologies so that we can instantaneously communicate with payers and payers with us on claim development, processing, denials, appeals, and results. From hand held devices to our eAPR system, to our ePatient Payment Systems, or our eFax and PassWebView systems -all proprietary to BCS- each has been developed by individuals that work in the field of healthcare data and its related manipulation and utilization and we put that knowledge and experience to work for each of our clientele.
Anesthesia Practice Consulting is a significant part of the day-to-day operations at BCS. Whether you are a Practice Management client or a client with specific consulting and analytical requirements, BCS will address all possible solutions and present findings and options that meet with your expectations. BCS conducts comprehensive anesthesia department financial impact studies that look deeply into the area of reimbursement maximization, HIPAA compliance issues, coding, and charge platforms and development as well as overall reimbursement and comparisons to industry standards. On the average an anesthesia department post coding and billing audit will identify an error ratio ranging between 10-25% in the areas of coding and often times equally or more as much in the areas of charge compliance, and reimbursement maximization. BCS Consulting Services often pay for themselves within in the first few findings and recommendations presented.
BCS will conduct the study either onsite or offsite and involve key administrative and clinical staff members.
The BCS study results will document your present position and outline a detailed path to achieving measurable positive results.
The consulting services of BCS have identified literally thousands of reimbursement dollars... Yours too are worth finding.
Contact BCS President,Lee S. Broadston today at Lee@BCSConsult.com to learn more about our Practice Consulting and Auditing Services.
BCS manages practices from a variety of anesthesia practice environments both urban and rural encompassing nearly all practice scenarios, MD-employed CRNAs, hospital employed CRNAs, and hospital based providers, as well as CRNAs in independent practice. BCS also manages other physician specialties such as pathology, general and vascular surgery, and ophthalmology.
This background and experience come together to produce a positive comprehensive report that will not only identify where your practice is at presently, but also lay out a plan of action to reach recommended solutions that are geared towards increased revenue generation, appropriate charge methodology, and anesthesia practice compliance, and most of all, anesthesia reimbursement maximization. Contact BCS Today!; You can contact BCS today to request further information on our comprehensive Consulting Services.
Reimbursement proposals from payers and managed care entities take knowledge and experience to properly evaluate and negotiate. At the heart of capitalism is the ability to evaluate proposals and prepare supported counter proposals. This healthy exchange leads to greater returns for our clientele and a greater awareness on the part of the payer of our expectations and the importance of their ability to understand the services that are provided to their subscribers/policyholders.
Let BCS put this same theory to work for you as we take to the payer systems across the nation the background, and experience we have in evaluating and negotiating healthcare services reimbursement proposals; no, not as your legal counsel, but as your Practice Administrator. BCS looks for many vital elements within the payer contracting discussions that lead to the development of a workable and functional solution.
If those vital elements are not coming forth by the payer, we will ask for them. We put to work for your practice, the more than 25 years of experience and success of BCS, Incorporated.
Without payer / provider credentialing you run the risk of providing a service that does not get paid. How many services do you presently provide that go unpaid due to payer credentialing and provider credentialing errors and/or delays. The basis of today's successful practices is based upon the ability to generate and maximize the available reimbursement. If you make a mistake or neglect to properly credential a provider within a particular network, don't look for the payer or managed care entity to step forward and lend you a hand. That will not happen. What will happen is that your services will remain unpaid and in today's cost conscious healthcare consumer driven marketplace you could also pay a steep price in the form of damage to your practice's reputation. Don't take these unnecessary risks, don't allow the payer systems and managed care networks to possess the upper hand advantage simply because you did not properly arm yourself with the correct available resources. BCS is that resource, ready, willing, and able to serve your practice's needs, today, tomorrow, and well into the future.
Since 1984 BCS has been committed to the healthcare industry and in particular committed to the successful performance of today’s anesthesia practice. BCS’s proven track record of success which surpasses all industry standards, supports our healthcare practice management philosophy of addressing each and every practice management detail –Practice Identification – Provider Credentialing - CPT/ICD10 HIM Services – Patient Accounting Services – AR and Cash Management – Compliance Awareness – Performance Measurement- as we provide the most comprehensive anesthesia practice management service available.
Today’s practice performance must be measurable, spontaneous, and reportable to the deepest detail, and it must available quickly. BCS understands this completely and in doing so has designed our entire information system platform and our overall operational organizational structure to meet these requirements. Let BCS get to work for you and your practice today, experience the detail and comprehensiveness of BCS.