BCS ... known for our Practical and Innovative Solutions to many of today's Anesthesia Practice Management challenges brings forth yet another proven anesthesia practice management innovation, the Facility Owned Anesthesia Group Practice. In the right settings and often with some level of astonishment, many a healthcare facility comes to the understanding that they too are able to consider going out into the anesthesia marketplace and "purchasing" their own anesthesia delivery system. Their own anesthesia professional services group. Facilties that reach this level of integration and understanding of what is at stake, show a strong indiciation that the facility is serious about bottom line anesthesia practice performance, economic anesthesia delivery systems, the utmost in compliance adherence, as well as data integrity, identification, and also their seriousness about quality measurement outcomes. The birth of the facility owned anesthesia practice is really nothing new, but what is new about this aspect of Anesthesia Practice Management is that there are many possibilities for today's innovative healthcare institutions and considering moving into the anesthesia business is simply one that may well fit our changing anesthesia practice enviornments and the economic pressures placed upon their existence.

In today's anesthesia marketplace many healthcare facilities enlist the Anesthesia Practice Management Services of BCS, Incorporated to bring this practice creation from the drawing board to a realty. BCS specializes in the creation of the Facility Owned Group.